Helpful resources
Please take a look at these great resources for more information. This list is constantly being updated, so check back often.
Codependent No More by Melody Beattie
How to be Antiracist by Ibram X. Kendi
I'm Chocolate, You're Vanilla by Marguerite Wright
Smart But Scattered
Smart But Scattered for Teens
Stop Walking on Eggshells by Paul Mason and Randi Kreger
The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel van der Kolk
The Boy Who Was Raised as a Dog by Bruce Perry
The Connected Child by Karyn Purvis
The Connected Parent by Karyn Purvis
The Deepest Well by Nadine Burke Harris
The Whole Brain Child by Daniel Siegel
The Wizard of Oz and other Narcissists by Eleanor Payson
What Happened to You? by Bruce Perry and Oprah Winfrey
White Fragility by Robin DeAngelo
Why are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria by Beverly Daniel Tatum
Children's Books
A Mother for Choco
Tear Soup
The Fall of Freddie the Leaf
CHADD-Children and Adults with ADD
Federation for Children with Special Needs
National Institute of Mental Health
North American Council on Adoptable Children
Raising Multicultural Kids-Easton
Trust Based Relational Intervention -TBRI